Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
XpathHunt is a browser extension that allows you to search in real-time for the results of an XPath expression. It is 100% customizable with themes and text highlighting.
Downloads site media and preserves folder structure. Works similar to Drupal's 'Stage File Proxy' module.
Display media-ci logs without download
The Jaxcore Browser Extension enables an exciting new generation of web applications and games to be created by enabling client-side Speech Recognition and Motion Control using an simple JavaScript API.
Overrides ServiceNow's shared history navigation with the browser's native implementation. Now you can load more than one tab and not worry about history in one impacting the other. This also adds breadcrumbs for navigation between record and table.
Actual Articles is a quick way to get quality actual articles from a few popular sources which update every week.
Tool to help support Gruppy systems
Redirects requests from one host to another another, live.
One-click Playcanvas/JavaScript Documentation
Run remote script to do browser automation
Extension to log and view iframe and cross window communications.
Easy development tool that shows your website on multiple screens
An extension to help with choosing and understanding colors.
Displays the live log with the http requests headers
Removes the annoying 'add x as app for y' notifications
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`markdownQuantum` render all markdown documents in your browser with a customisable dark theme and unicode suport. This plugin work with all markdown files (*.md) but you need a BOM encoding for local files (files://**.md).
Enable CORS by transforming http response. This webextension is a utility for web developers who want to enable CORS for certain URLs and URL patterns. Feel free to suggest more customizations.