Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
This extension automatically sets as your homepage and new tab page.
Join, search and share unlimited WhatsApp group links. No limit, no restriction.
Lädt die URLs aller geöffneten Tabs und speichert sie als PDF
Allows coping text from everywhere
Change the title to what you are searching, useful if you have a lot of tabs
Modern and simple tab replacement for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
Displays a sidebar with a stop-watch for how long you've been in url and overall website
Open a newtab in a specified container (with the command line or address bar) via a url in the form ext+newtabcontainer://<container_name>
High resolution backgrounds for your new tab page.
Test your vision (visual acuity) via Tumbling E chart in your browser!
Adds a tab context menu item to copy URLs of selected tabs to the clipboard. Selection of multiple tabs by shift clicking or control/command clicking is supported.
New tab page that displays a daily wallpaper and a random funny one-liner.
Shows your exact age in nano years, in different styles
Little help for managing a lot of tabs...
Unsplash for Firefox tabs
Opens random coding images with a random coding quote and animation
Disable window.eval() in all websites and improve your online security!
All Your Shipping Providers In One Place!