Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
A URL shortener that just works.
After X amount of time mute the tab.
A basic Add-on to get Whois information for current tab url.
Easy management of your tabs and own bookmark system
Speed Dial & Productivity
Manage workspaces while maintaining TST (Tree Style Tab) trees.
This add-on helps you shorten URLs easily. By clicking the 2a5-icon your actual long and messy URL gets shorten. The shorten representation gets copied to your clipboard to be ready to paste it somewhere else. Other than that: a qr-code is shown.
Add and Manage your Workspaces in a JARVIS-inspired UI.
Create stunning Mood Boards to organize your Bookmarks, Articles, Images & Research.
Collects simple stats from the opend tabs. Adds ability to open random Tab and hints the user to reduce Tab count.
Formats (beautifies) phone numbers with dashes and parenthesis to make them easier to read.
Explore the world with Mapillary street images.
A simple extension which adds a 'Copy Tab URL' item to the Firefox menu. Right click on a tab and click the "Copy Tab URL to Clipboard" button to use.
Displays a random anime wallpaper every time you open a new tab.
Holds clipboard data for easy access.
A Firefox extension to open new tabs to the right of the current tab
Add a menu option to copy selected tabs to the clipboard
Automatically opens tabs at a given time every day.
Opens new tabs in the same container as the previous used tab. To open a new tab in the default container, simply create a new tab while on the new tab page.
High resolution backgrounds for your new tab page.