Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
WebFilter allows users to block specific websites using categorical blacklist of URLs.
Removes Google Analytics UTM tracking parameters from URLs for privacy. For example is changed to before Firefox makes the web request.
No Homo Graphs is a browser add-on that identifies websites which are spelled similar to a user-defined list of domains. Using modal dialogs, No Homo Graphs prompts you to be careful when you visit those websites to avoid being a victim of phishing.
Find potential CSRF vulnerabilities
This extension makes your browser load Wikipedia content from one of the available Wikipedia mirrors, instead of
WebTester is a simple add-on to Firefox that helps pentesters, bug-bounty hunters and CTF Players to test most common and powerful payloads for the most common injection vulnerabilities.
DuckDuckGo enhancements for Firefox
A convenient toolbar button to toggle Firefox's top-level proxy settings.
Easily go back to Google search if you're not happy with DuckDuckGo's result. Disclaimer: this plugin is not associated with DuckDuckGo or Google.
KEKKAIとは、スキャムやフィッシングサイト防止のウォレットセキュリティプラグインです。危険な操作やスキャムをSimulationにより検知し、(Set approval for allやeth_signなど)のアラートとトランザクションの結果を表示させます。
Disable auto-play on YouTube channel page.
An easy-to-use password manager for creating, keeping and using secure passwords.
Easily find out which content delivery networks are serving you content on behalf of web servers.
A simple utility to disable bots that disturb you while accessing websites. For now it supports hiding Drift Bots, Intercom, and Hubspot. I'll add more based on the feedback.
Search in google, imdb or amazon instead, directly from duckduckgo results page, if duckduckgo didn't find the results you are looking for.
The extension is the perfect complement to your Vilfo router.
This extension crawls the security.txt of each website you visit. The icon shows if you are allowed to hack the site. Click it to show the regarding policies.
[č]Allows website requests filtering and header alteration --- icon from: Martz90
Changes the background of password entry fields to a four-color visual hash. Each password will have its own unique four color sequence, making it easy to tell if you've accidentally made a typo while entering your password before the site can!
A browser extension makes your online presence secure and seamless.
Adds Lukol as the default search engine in your browser.
Monitor your web pages integrity and availability by tracking content-length and modified-date