Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Paragon is a browser extension wallet that makes it safe & easy for you to store, send and receive NOVO.
Redirects all YouTube links to Invidous. Previously hooktube-redirect, but changed since hooktube is no longer allowed to use the YouTube API, apparently.
Plugin to track Google Analytics Event Tracker event calls
Ignore Google scripts and route Google CDN to Cloudflare.
Redirect all your youtube link to top invidious site
Blocks scripts and resources from a website with Content Security Policy.
right-click context-menu items to clear HTML formating and copy as plain text
Automatically generates per-site passwords if you prefix your password with @@ or F2. Alternate version to original PwdHash add-on to fix issues in Firefox 66 and onwards, added optional more secure hashing algorithm and highlight password field.
A super fast sponsored posts removal tool for Facebookâ˘
Auto generating in-scope && eligible for bounty URLs xml file for from Demo:
Everykey for Firefox generates secure passwords for your website accounts, then logs you in when you're around, and logs you out when you walk away.
Adds a context menu item to open links through
Less Google tracking: replaces Youtube embeds with Hooktube (Not affiliated with Google or Hooktube)
Delete all Cookies and Storage For Tab Deletes all the cookies, local and session storage for the active tab
Unofficial, open-source webextension that adds as a search engine. Please review Disroot's privacy policy:
The SkyKick Authentication Assistant helps SkyKick partners safely authenticate legacy Microsoft resources.
A context menu button to easily switch between Piped and Youtube.
Adds a search engine that searches
Anomali Copilot augments your browsing experience by scanning the web pages you visit for known and potential cyber threats, providing critical context about them, and enabling you to research and investigate them further on Anomali ThreatStream.
This extension allows you to lookup the domain name information easily. By clicking the addon button or selecting from the context menu, you can display the domain name registration information of the site you are currently browsing.
Filters out biased, paid and VINE reviews which clog up Amazon. Enjoy a proper shopping experience.
Open links in the most recently accessed private window.
A simple way to interact with the Stellar network