Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Pretend to be using only the most popular fonts, display, network API, and device properties. Always 100% battery, spoof video card, and more.
Shorten URLs with Polr
lets you pick account-container from omnibox
Open Links in another browser or share clipboard between multiple machines using WebSockets
Generates unique passwords using a master password and the current website’s domain.
We use AI to protect you and loved ones from scams. Scam detection for tech support scams, phishing, shopping scams and more.
A.R.P. Syndicate's Exploit Observer Browser Extension downloads a list of exploits for any CVE/GHSA ID detected on the website you're visiting.
Modifier le style Anime Sama, une extension non officielle
Remove right-click blockers, copy paste blockers, or any blockers you want to remove.
Watch Google watch you. Find out which sites send details about you to Google. Contribute at
This extension is intended to provide unrestricted access to the website from anywhere in the world, regardless of location or Internet provider.
Prevents Google Sign-in popup on select web sites from ever entering the DOM
Unconditionally remove all browsing history on browser start.
Removes Google tracking parameters from search result links.
Hide Google News articles containing an ad keyword. List is given but can be configured by yourself.