Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Add buttons to your Derpibooru interface to make searching and getting CSV of the images you want to download easier.
The Cute DP Pic Creator extension; Creates a custom icon in your web browser, that opens a pop-up link in your browser after a few seconds of inactivity for you to create cute display pictures, right in your browser.
Adds a button to suggest related poems for Pinterest items (targets Persian speaking users)
Adds a speed slider to the ARTE video player.
Tries to play links in MPV (a fork of ff2mpv).
Earn rewards points automatically when you search and shop online, then redeem for top brand gift cards and sweepstakes.
This extension generate thumbnail image for YouTube video. Download YouTube thumbnails easily. Version 2 - Now generate thumbnail from a embedded YouTube web page.
Adds some CSS to modify playback containers on ESPN streams so they flex to fit window size
This extension provides auditory feedback for many browser events
Redirect YouTube links to the myTube! Windows 10 app
See the latest and most popular TMZ News Videos View the Latest TMZ Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Addon uses 3rd party site ( for operation.
See the latest and most popular Fox Business Network Videos. View the Latest Fox Business News Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click.
Remove Kpop news's useless query string to get best quality photos
Sends the current tab's YouTube or Invidious video to a Mopidy server of your choosing.
Search for your favorite Tamil song lyrics in one click using our simple extension.
The application keeps track of the user's current time, and as each hour goes by, it seamlessly unveils a new and enchanting Rio de Janeiro city theme.