Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
This addon changes the cursor when hovering a link that will open a new tab. It is possible to stay in current tab by pressing `Ctrl`/`Cmd` + `Shift`.
Voor extra functionaliteit op Marktplaats.
Disables infinite scrolling in Tumblr themes and loads the next page the "natural" way instead
Use our powerful Firefox extension to get most of the PomoDone App. NB: You should have Pomodone App installed. Please download the latest version of Pomodone App from our website:
Just strikes out nofollow links via CSS3 selectors.
Blocks scripts and resources from a website with Content Security Policy.
Discover a new way to interact with Google search results through Bard AI's revolutionary chat feature. Transform your search experience from a mundane task to an engaging conversation that provides you with the
Create and edit XLS spreadsheets with an editor online
A blocker for AdBlock blockers!
Loop between any two points of an HTML video, e.g. a YouTube video.
Simple button to open html file. Allow you to open local HTML page file on Android. You can choose multiply files at once. Add the extension page to your "Bookmarks" menu to open the page more convenient.
Solves your google form quiz in seconds using Artificial Intelligence. Based on gpt4 model
Create wikipedia references from websites with configurable output. Automatic detection from Google-Books, Amazon, and each other website (as simple refeference).
Firefox extension which can import media from various sites (e.g. gelbooru/pixiv/zerochan) into a szurubooru instance.
Read in a foreign language. Click on words to add your own translation, and view it by hovering your mouse over the word. Helps visualize your progress in vocabulary acquisition.
Reads aloud the content of WebPages and PDF using the installed TTS engines of your operating systems. It can read a page from top to bottom. Reads from your last click, or read your selected text.
Removes gender stars and similar constructions that disturb the flow of reading, and replaces them with something else. Currently, only German constructions are handled.
Add spell check functionality to the title field in PCD. After installing this add-on, misspelled words within the PCD title field will be highlighted with a red squiggly line underneath.