Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Hides elements that contain keywords set by user
Enable Right click, Search, CTRL anyhwere! (Selection Drag Drop Cut Copy Paste Clipboard alt tab shift CTRL C Z S F T W A X STRG)
Adds an "Open in Visual Studio Code" button to GitHub repos
Mojito is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to send and receive BTC and ML from any other address. Users have the ability to set their network fees and also can transact on the Lightning network.
This is an addon that helps to convert text to speech
Adds an open selected text in CyberChef option to the right-click context menu. CyberChef is a tool that can decode, decipher, and uncompress data in a wide variety of formats.
Adds a search engine that searches Google using its Browse by Name feature
Recon extension for Firefox browser is a collection of an IP, Network & Malware tools that can be used to get information about IP Addresses, Websites, and DNS records.
This add-on searches the official php documentation for a given term. It provides a search field, that can be accessed from the toolbar as well as it adds a search option for selected text to the context menu.
Creates a list of the tabs in the sidebar and as a popup. A second view lists the recently closed tabs. In addition to various standard functions, tabs in the tab bar can be hidden manually or automatically.
Turn pieces of ANSI text art and ASCII, NFO documents into HTML using RetroTxt. RetroTxt is the Extension that takes legacy and plain text files and stylizes them into a more acceptable, useful format to view or copy from a web browser tab.
Powerful command-line calculator. Converts numbers between different number bases (Hex, Dec, Oct, Bin, Exp) and way more.
Close the tab that creates once its redirected to the video conference. Zoom is a video conferencing service,
Corrector App is the new spell check, grammar checker and punctuation checker on Mozilla Firefox, designed for people with little time and many words to check.
Block sites and win the productivity game
Saves data by compressing images on the page. Bandwidth Hero saves data by compressing all images on the page via data compression service which reduces image size by about 50%-75%.