Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
An Atcoder extension to add some missing features like task status and solve count which are present in Codeforces
Export Linkedin profile to PDF
Add HTML elements and styles to your script notes. View Pretty Print JSON objects. Links to records.
Streamlined documentation search for Qt developers.
Locally-run AI that answers questions from your current webpage
Official Firefox Extension for the yoummday Talent platform. Enables you to start phone calls from external websites if you are eligible.
No longer supports upgrade . Please see Add playback speed indicator on Youtube video.
Block sites for less distraction, and get more done
HEMTT Extension for viewing PAA files in the browser
Add current YouTube video to specified playlists.
Monitor and copy streaming URLs and subtitles effortlessly.
Save and restore form inputs automatically.
Permet de retrouver les données du système BGM depuis les ISBNs disponibles dans les pages.
Reverse image search tools for HTML 5 video.
arxivist reorders pages on based on your preferences
search engine for - international variant
A Firefox extension to enhance the CodinGame experience
Control your browser using the on-screen joystick for touch-screen devices (e.g. tablets).