Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Simple and fast World currency converter..
Block any links on website using a keyword
Display read position in the page
hides right column in the classical facebook design where game feed is present
Dapatkan informasi seputar COVID-19 di Indonesia secara tepat dan cepat melalui browser anda.
WeAreDevs++ is an extension that dramatically changes the design of WeAreDevs and gives users a variety of customization options and features.
save links to pouch with one click.
Automatically redirect requests to working instances of privacy-oriented alternative frontends with zero-configuration.
Hackernews Userscript - a browser extension which implements filtering and soft-hiding capabilities for AKA Hacker News. Play Hide and Seek!
Generates a random compliment. You may want to support your fellow artists by commenting on their work, but what if you're bad at talking to people? Now you can generate a random compliment which you can use as a base to write a heartfelt compliment!
Automatically display PDFs in the browser tab.
Trustium identifies credible news from questionable content as well as opinion, satire and one-sided.
Malaysiakini news coverage concentrates mainly on local events, with a strong emphasis on items related to Malaysian politics.
Review News Articles anytime you want. Just click on the icon and you can upload the article link + your review to The Grator, the news community for readers with high quality standards.
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