Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Generate AliExpress invoice from order details.
imgding is a tool to download images from image hosts. It searches the current tab for links to images and downloads them.
Send media stream links from current tab to MPV player
Download videos and images from twitter with only one click.
Power of LinkSnappy Elite at your fingertips
Sends links to the Motrix download manager on demand
Native extension for website, making easier to download from over 32 supported hosting sites (,,
Adds a context menu item to send PDF links directly to PDF-XChange™ Viewer
Saves all Webp Images as Jpg on 9gag
Add a "Download all" button in Real Debrid if your download is split in multiple files.
Download anime videos, audio music mp3, thumbnail images, manga from
Open With Adobe Illustrator is a new companion for web designers, graphic designers and in general whom like to use Illustrator.
Az ÉTDR azon oldalain, ahol dokumentum található, ez a kiegészítő lehetővé teszi azok tömeges letöltését. Ajánlott a használata előtt beállítani a böngészőt, hogy a letöltéseket automatikusan egy előre megadott mappába tegye.
Автозаповнення полiв сторiнки з файлу обмiну в особистому кабiнетi "Електроннi сервiси Держгеокадастру"
Search for pictures at and save them to your harddisk. No login required.
This add-on will allow you to download YouTube Videos with all available options (audio-video, video-only, audio-only) from youtube.
A simple extension for superfast and easy YouTube downloads in MP3 and MP4 formats.
A browser action that test internet speed.
Allows you to download any image as png
New tab page and Speed Dial. wallpaper hd,bookmark,weather,notes,to do list, history manager. it’s start page page and homepage.
Download youtube videos in mp3 audio format with new tab page. This addon adds a download button with video title which redirects you to site where you can download your converted mp3 file.