Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Black YouTube. Black YouTube theme protects eyes by changing Youtube
Adds a button which can be clicked to make "fixed" elements (that is, headers/footers/sidebars that stay stuck to one part of the window) disappear, opening up more space to view the page content.
This add-on allows FireFox to call the locally installed IrisGuard EyeBank APIs using native messaging, giving the user full functionality of all IrisGuard EyeBank APIs calls such as capturing iris images and doing a recognition.
Find out how many characters there are in a selection by simply right-clicking it.
Make your email experience better with visual improvements such as removing advertisement messages and unnecessary clutter.
Hide all the images on the page (using opacity), with a Hot Key Alt+0 (Zero) ! Optionally, you can configure to display the images on mouse over.
Imports URLs from a text file and opens them in the browser
Shows image resolution and size on mouse hover.
Adds SciHub links to popular publishing websites to make free access to science even easier.
Show photographer's albums on photostreams, Control speed of slideshows, Photographer's other photos by tag-links, Links to album-map & album-comments, Actually show geotagged photos on the associated map (or Google Maps), Top-pagination, and more...
Displays the current viewport size when resizing the browser window.
Provides ability to lock trees in Tree Style Tab as collapsed.
This addon creates a small popup that lets you paste some JS code and inject it into the page you are currently seeing.
This extension For beautify js and css and html
A todo addon which lets you to keep a track of your work, stays in browser and available on just a click. Add your tasks with a click or just enter, mark them done, or remove it from list.
A dark-themed Firefox/Chrome Extension that adds additional features and gives an overall better experience for SEQTA Learn. Disclaimer: This extension is not owned, operated or associated with the company Education Horizons.
Adds a switch to toggle auto replay of the current YouTube video
Manage cookies for any webpage via an stylish popup window
Shows tabs as thumbnails in sidebar.
1)拦截百度广告,包括搜索、贴吧、知道、新闻在内的所有百度产品线。 2)禁止百度统计采集用户访问记录(对所有安装了百度统计代码的网站均可自动屏蔽)。
Dark Mode for Jupyter Notebooks
Add a search provider for
Script injector for JavaScript and CSS!