Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Fast access to your account
Quickly set reminders to revisit specific web pages.
Zoom Utils for Zoom University. Allows you to keep track of, notify, and launch your Zoom Classes.
This addon will check if domain of opened url, is registered within last 12 months. And will notify the user with an icon besides url. By clicking the icon, user can proceed or stop & go to duckduckgo.
Set your Discord status to a customizable countdown timer.
Check hidden financing costs & find the best card to purchase a product and whether you should opt for EMI or non-EMI transaction. Powered by
포털(네이버, 다음)에서 불량뉴스를 알려주는 extension -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 Firefox는 이 addon 을 설치하면 동작. -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 구글 크롬, MS Edge, 네이버 웨일에서 chrome extension 설치 가능 -안드로이드의 kiwi browser에서 chrome extension 설치하여 동작 -애플 ios에서는 ios15 출시 후 safari browser에서 동작 예정
Shows Bitcoin price in USD.
Automatically find and decode all Snahp forum post links.
Displays the number of unread tasks in your Inbox folder.
Scrolls the currently active lesson into view and highlights it in the side menu in Brad Traversy's course platform. Only useful to students of Traversy Media.
PunyCodeChecker protects users from Homograph Attack. It will prompt a warning page when the visited domain name contains non-ASCII characters. Users can clear the exempted URLs by clicking on the plugin icon.
FireFox extention to fetch and redeem SHiFT codes on
Copart helper( beta channel)
BINSniper monitors eBay sites in real-time and waits for new listings that match your search rules. Buy-It-Now and Best Offer items are supported. Great for resellers or just finding rare and under-priced items. Get to those new items first!
Adding a timer to Firefox enhances time management, boosts productivity, and improves focus by allowing users to set specific intervals for tasks. It also provides control over internet usage, minimizing time-wasting. The timer includes alerts
Shop global. Pay local. No hidden fees.
Shoppen, Sparen und Gewinnen! Der ABOCARD-Bonusmelder zeigt Ihnen beim Surfen automatisch, bei welchen Shops Sie ABOCARD-Vorteile erhalten. Beim Klick auf das aktive Icon werden die verfügbaren Vorteile für die aktuelle Website angezeigt.
This extension checks at browser startup via if Twitch-Drops for 'Elder Scrolls Online' are currently active and/or if a current event is taking place.
Provides website information such as Rank, and checks URLs against suspected pages.