TSS+ v1.1b.77resigned1
TSS+ stands for "The Swan Station Plus".
This add-on is fan-developed, and aims to enhance user experience on the LOST fansite Hatch Simulator located at https://theswanstation.tk/ while trying to stay true to the original website design.
Improvements include :
- User name coloration in chat, leaderboards, timer history, and other secret area accessible only to higher levels.
- Times will change to match your timezone, on various areas.
- Chat layout improvement (renames, PM indent in public)
- PM bracket inclusion, in order to better differentiate public from private, while copy pasting chat messages
- Enhanced page browsing via a jump menu inclusion on Leaderboards & Timer History
- Consec Run table layout improvement, to highlight ex-aequo
- a configuration screen, where various settings can be adjusted
- Easter eggs : One easter egg will be added per public version
Upcoming features :
- Command lines
- Stalker mode
- and much more (no spoilers ;)